Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz 2016
Official name
Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz 2016
Level 1
Doc. code
VAG 2016
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Final version
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Entry into force and application
Entry into force
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Associated initiatives
Level 1
Law on the Implementation of the Conversion Directive (UmRUG)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Motor Insurance Law Amendment Act 2023 (KraftVerÄG 2023)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of AIFMG, BörseG, WaG, ZaDiG, et. al. - a.o. implementation of sustainable finance and ESA review
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Financial markets money laundering law
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
2nd Data Protection Adaptation Act
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Reform of the regulatory supervision of the financial market
(binding, Amendment, AT)
DORA Enforcement Act
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Level 2
Amendment of the Insurance Undertaking Accounting Regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of the Funeral Expenses Regulation 2016
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment to the Life Insurance Information Obligations Ordinance 2018
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendement of the FMA-Incoming platform regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Kapitalanlageverordnung für kleine Versicherungsvereine (kV-KAV)
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Life insurance Information obligation regulation (LV-InfoV)
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Versicherungsmathematische Grundlagen von Lebensversicherung
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Kapitalanlagerisiken bei der prämienbegünstigten Zukunftsvorsorge
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Equalization provision in property and casualty insurance
(binding, Amendment, AT)
report of the actuary responsible
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment to the Insurance Company Maximum Interest Rate Regulation 2016
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Trustee Fee Regulation for insurance companies
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Qualitative requirements for investments
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Maintaining records of the assets dedicated to the cover pool
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Ermittlung des Eigenmittelerfordernisses auf Gegenseitigkeit
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Accounting of small insurance companies
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment to the investment directive for small insurance funds (kV-KAV)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of the Ownership Control Regulation 2016
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of the life insurance information requirement Regulation 2018 (LV-InfoV 2018)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of insurance companies-maximum interest rate regulation 2019
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of Life insurance Information obligation regulation (LV-InfoV)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the Insurance Company Reporting Regulation 2020
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Change in accounting for insurance and reinsurance companies
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of the Insurance Company Maximum Interest Rate Regulation 2021
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the insurance company maximum interest rate regulation 2023
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Insurance Company Maximum Interest Rate Regulation
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Insurance company reporting regulation 2020
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Owner Control Regulation 2016 - EKV 2016
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Equalisation Provision Regulation
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Level 3 / Other
Interest rate in health insurance on the type of life insurance
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Source: FMA, VAG 2016, 2017