Pension Fund Act (Pensionskassengesetz – PKG)
Official name
Bundesgesetz vom 17. Mai 1990 über die Errichtung, Verwaltung und Beaufsichtigung von Pensionskassen (Pensionskassengesetz – PKG)
Level 1
Austrian government
Doc. code
BGBl. Nr. 281/1990
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Final version
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Entry into force and application
Entry into force
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Associated initiatives
Level 1
MiFID II implementation (Börsegesetz 2018 und Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz 2018)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of AIFMG, BörseG, WaG, ZaDiG, et. al. - a.o. implementation of sustainable finance and ESA review
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision
(binding, Amendment, AT)
DORA Enforcement Act
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Level 2
Pension Fund Quarterly Reporting Regulation 2025 (PK-QMV 2025)
(binding, Supplement, AT)
FMA cost regulation 2016 - FMA - KVO 2016
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendement of the FMA-Incoming platform regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the FMA Cost Regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Gliederung und Meldung der Formblätter für die Jahresabschlussdaten
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Calculation parameters regulation for pension schemes
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Risikomanagementverordnung für Pensionskassen
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Informationspflichtenverordnung für Pensionskassen
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Änderung der Pensionskassen-Risikomanagementverordnung 2019 - PK-RiMaV (2019)
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment of the Calculation parameters regulation for pension schemes
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of the FMA Cost Regulation - Clarification about institutions that are fee-based and with obligation to report
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendements on the FMA Regulation on costs - Payment Services Act 2018
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the FMA Cost Regulation 2016
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of the Minimum Return Regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of the Administrative Expenses Provision Regulation 2013
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Structure and reporting of the forms for annual financial statement data (PK-FJMV 2025)
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Administrative Cost Provision Ordinance 2013
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Minimum yield regulation
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment to the FMA Cost Regulation to adapt to the FM-GwG Amendment Act
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Level 3 / Other
Guideline for the Form and Annual Reporting Regulation 2019
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Circular Held-To-Maturity Dedication
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Source: Austrian government, BGBl. Nr. 281/1990, 1990