Payment Services Supervision Act (Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz - ZAG) and implementation of PSD2
Official name
Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Zweiten Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie (ZAG)
Level 1
German government
Doc. code
BGBl. I Nr. 48/2017
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Associated initiatives
Level 1
Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2)
(binding, Main version, EU)
(binding, Main version, EU)
(binding, Main version, EU)
Reducing risks and strengthening proportionality in the banking sector
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Financial Market Integrity Reinforcement Act (FISG)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Transparency Financial Information Act Money Laundering - TraFinG Gw
(binding, Amendment, DE)
E-Money Directive (EMD 2)
(binding, Main version, EU)
Sanctions Enforcement Act II (SanktDG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
Law on the Implementation of the Conversion Directive (UmRUG)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Future Financing Act
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Financial Market Digitization Act - FinmadiG
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Law on the implementation of sustainability reporting by companies
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Second law on implementation of EU data protection legislation
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Implementation of the adaption of the fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Secondary Credit Market Promotion Act
(binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
Future Financing Act II
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Level 2
Adequate capital resources and necessary protection in the event of liability (ZIEV)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Amendment of Payment Institute Audit Report Regulation(ZahlPrüfbV)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Amendment of the ZAG Minimum Equity Regulation for Banking Institutions
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Change RTS to EK – Deduction of indirect und synthetic holdings
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS for own funds requirements
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Second regulation amending the ZAG Notification Regulation
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Minimum Requirements for the Risk Management of ZAG Institutions (ZAG-MaRisk)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Minimum requirements for complaint management
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Agent Verification Regulation (Agentennachweisverordnung - AgNwV)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Payment Institution Audit Report Ordinance
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Level 3 / Other
Reporting of serious payment security incidents
(non-binding, Supplement, DE)
Guidelines on the Payment Services Supervision Act (ZAG)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Information sheet on account access interfaces
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Update reporting of serious payment security incidents
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Regulatory classification of certain payment transactions in stationary travel distribution
(binding, DE)
Special obligations for payment service providers (Section 22g UStG)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Reporting of operational and security risks according to ZAG
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Explanatory leaflet on the suitability of managing directors
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Source: German government, BGBl. I Nr. 48/2017, 2017