Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2)
Official name
DIRECTIVE (EU) 2015/2366 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market, amending Directives 2002/65/EC, 2009/110/EC and 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010, and repealing Directive 2007/64/EC (PSD2)
Level 1
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Associated initiatives
Level 1
Payment Services Supervision Act (Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz - ZAG) and implementation of PSD2
(binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
DORA Directive
(binding, Amendment, EU)
E-Money Directive (EMD 2)
(binding, Main version, EU)
Payment Services Directive (PSD3)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, EU)
Payment Services Regulation (PSR)
(binding, Main version, EU)
Regulation on instant payments
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Level 2
Strong customer authentication and secure communication under PSD2
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Details and structure of the information in the EBA register under PSD2
(non-binding, EU)
Development, operation and maintenance of the EBA register under PSD2
(non-binding, EU)
Requirements for home-host cooperation under PSD2
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Criteria to be applied when appointing central contact points under PSD2
(binding, Main version, EU)
Amendment of Payment Institute Audit Report Regulation(ZahlPrüfbV)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Amendment of the ZAG Minimum Equity Regulation for Banking Institutions
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Cooperation and exchange of information between competent authorities for passport notifications under PSD2
(non-binding, Supplement, EU)
Payments statistics
(binding, Main version, EU)
Amendment of the RTS for customer authentication and secure communication under PSD2
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Level 3 / Other
Opinion on the elements of strong customer authentication under PSD2
(non-binding, EU)
Clarifications on APIs under PSD2 - fourth set of issues
(binding, EU)
Guidelines on outsourcing
(binding, EU)
Fraud reporting under PSD2
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Guidelines on ICT and security risk management
(binding, EU)
Procedure for complaints of infringements of PSD2
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Minimum monetary amount under PSD2
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Authorisation and registration under PSD2
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Remuneration policies and practices related to the sale and provision of retail banking products and services
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Update guidelines on fraud reporting under PSD2
(binding, EU)
Facilitation of customer authentication
(binding, DE)
Guidelines on the interplay of PSD2 and GDPR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Opinion on the use of eIDAS certificates under PSD2
(non-binding, EU)
Gap assessment of card payment schemes
(non-binding, EU)
Opinion on implementation of the RTS on SCA and CSC
(non-binding, EU)
Action plan fight against terrorist financing
(non-binding, EU)
EBA report on crypto-assets
(non-binding, EU)
Opinion on supervisory actions to ensure account access under PSD2
(non-binding, EU)
EBA - FINAL Q&A: PSD2 - Authorisation and registration
(binding, EU)
Guidelines on the limited network exclusion under PSD2
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Information sheet on account access interfaces
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Guidelines on the security of internet payments
(non-binding, EU)
Statement on the revision of the PSD2 Directive
(non-binding, EU)
Clarifications on APIs under PSD2 - first set of issues
(binding, EU)
Exception to the provision of an emergency mechanism
(non-binding, DE)
Strong Customer Authentication and Common and Secure Communication
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Obstacles to the provision of third party provider services under the Payment Services Directive
(non-binding, EU)
Clarifications on APIs under PSD2 - sixth set of issues
(binding, EU)
Selected payment fraud data under PSD2
(non-binding, EU)
Regulatory classification of certain payment transactions in stationary travel distribution
(binding, DE)
EBA Fraud Taxonomy
(non-binding, EU)
Guidelines on the procedures and policies, including the rights of clients, in the context of transfer services for crypto-assets (3rd package)
(binding, Supplement, EU)
CJEU ruling on unauthorised payment transactions
(binding, EU)
Special Report: Digital payments in the EU
(non-binding, EU)
ECB decision on access for non-bank payment service providers to central bank payment systems
(binding, EU)
EBA - Final Q&A: PSD2 - Strong customer authentication and common secure communication
(binding, Supplement, EU)
EBA - FINAL Q&A: PSD2 - other topics
(binding, Supplement, EU)
EBA - FINAL Q&A: PSD2 - Fraud reporting
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Guidelines on the uniform implementation of restrictive measures for financial institutions
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Supervisory notice on PSD2 account access interfaces
(binding, Supplement, DE)
EBA - FINAL Q&A: PSD2 - Monetary amount of the professional indemnity insurance
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Source: EU, 2015/2366, 2015