Official name
REGULATION (EU) No 600/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012
Level 1
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Associated initiatives
Level 1
MiFID / MiFIR shift of effective date
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Investment firms regulation (IFR)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, EU)
Amendment of the Benchmark regulation: LIBOR replacement and use of third country benchmarks
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Amending certain regulations with respect to the establishment and operation of ESAPs
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Listing Package: Regulation amending prospectus regulation, MAR and MIFIR
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Amendment of the MiFIR framework
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Application for DPE status for investment firms
(non-binding, DE)
Level 2
Exemption of the People’s Bank of China from the pre- and post-trade transparency requirements (MiFIR)
(binding, EU)
Exemption of the Bank of England from the pre- and post-trade transparency requirements (MiFIR)
(binding, EU)
Extension of the restriction on CFDs
(non-binding, EU)
Restriction of CFDs
(binding, EU)
Amendments to RTS 1 MiFiR
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Equivalence of legal and supervisory framework applicable to stock exchanges in Switzerland
(binding, EU)
Regulation on disclosure of voting shares
(binding, Supplement, DE)
RTS on Trading obligation for derivatives under MiFIR
(binding, EU)
ITS on Notifications by and to applicant and authorised investment firms
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Regulation regarding package orders under MiFID and MiFIR
(binding, Amendment, Supplement, EU)
RTS on Registration of third country firms
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS 23: Supply of financial instruments reference data
(binding, EU)
RTS 1: Transparency requirements for trading venues and investment firms in respect of equity financial instruments
(binding, EU)
RTS 5: Direct, substantial and foreseeable effect of derivative contracts within the Union
(binding, EU)
RTS 16: Access in respect of benchmarks
(binding, EU)
Rules concerning liquidity and transparency
(binding, EU)
Wertpapierdienstleistungs-Prüfungsverordnung - WpDPV
(binding, Supplement, DE)
RTS/ITS for the reporting of information in accordance with MiFIR by third country providers
(binding, EU)
Review of RTS 1 under MiFIR (capital transparency)
(binding, Amendment, EU)
RTS on the update of the guidelines on governing bodies of data reporting services
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Omnibus Directive Implementing Decision and ESFS Regulation Review - Implementatiebesluit omnibusrichtlijn ESFS-review
(non-binding, NL)
Exemption from pre- and post-trade transparency requirements as a third country central bank
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Review of RTS 2 under MiFIR (non-equity transparency)
(binding, Amendment, EU)
RTS 2: Transparency requirements for trading venues and investment firms in respect of non-equity financial instruments
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Decision on restrictions on turbos
(binding, Supplement, NL)
Second amendment RTS 2 on transparency requirements under MiFID II/MiFIR
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Review of RTS 2 on transparency for bonds, structured finance products and emission allowances
(binding, Amendment, EU)
RTS on reasonable commercial basis (MiFIR)
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on input and output data of CTPs
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on the revenue distribution scheme of CTPs
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on the synchronisation of business clocks
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on the authorisation of APAs and ARMs
(binding, Supplement, EU)
ITS on the authorisation of APAs and ARMs
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on the authorisation of CTPs
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Draft ITS on the authorisation of CTPs
(binding, Supplement, EU)
OTC derivatives identifying reference data under MiFIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
MiFIR Consultation Package 3 - Equity transparency (RTS 1)
(binding, Amendment, EU)
MiFIR Consultation Package 3 - Non-equity transparency flags (RTS 2)
(binding, Supplement, EU)
MiFIR Consultation Package 3 - New ITS for Systematic internalisers
(binding, Supplement, EU)
MiFIR Consultation Package 3 - Volume cap (RTS 3)
(binding, Amendment, EU)
MiFIR Consultation Package 3 - new RTS on input/output data for shares and ETFs CTP
(binding, Supplement, EU)
MiFIR Consultation Package 3 - Technical Advice to amend the requirements regarding liquidity and transparency
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Amendment of RTS 22 for reporting transaction data and order book data
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Amendments to RTS 24 on order book keeping
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Level 3 / Other
ESMA Opinion on product intervention measures regarding contracts for differences in Germany
(non-binding, EU)
ESMA Opinion on product intervention measures regarding contracts for differences in Malta
(non-binding, EU)
ESMA Opinion on product intervention measures regarding contracts for differences in Poland
(non-binding, EU)
ESMA Opinion on product intervention measures regarding contracts for differences in Croatia
(non-binding, EU)
ESMA Opinion on product intervention measures regarding contracts for differences in Denmark
(non-binding, EU)
Q&A on MiFID II and MiFIR commodity derivatives topics
(binding, EU)
MiFIR Transaction Reporting
(non-binding, EU)
Q&A on MiFID II and MiFIR post-trading topics
(binding, EU)
Market Data Reporting under MiFIR
(binding, EU)
Opinion on frequent batch auctions (FBAs) and the double volume cap mechanism (DVCM)
(non-binding, EU)
Alignment of MiFIR with the changes introduced by EMIR Refit
(non-binding, EU)
MiFID II/MiFIR and BMR provisions under a no-deal Brexit
(binding, EU)
Annual report on waivers and deferrals
(non-binding, EU)
Post-trade transparency trading venues that are not operated by a stock exchange (Prolongation)
(binding, DE)
Systematic Internalisers’ Quote rules
(binding, DE)
Marketing, distribution and sale of CFDs
(binding, DE)
MiFIR transparency regime for equity instruments
(non-binding, EU)
(non-binding, EU)
MiFID II/ MiFIR review report on the transparency regime for non-equity instruments
(non-binding, EU)
Opinion on product intervention regarding binary options
(non-binding, EU)
Statement on Mifir open acces and covid-19
(non-binding, EU)
Postponement of entry into application of MiFIR open access provisions with regard to exchange-traded derivatives
(non-binding, EU)
List of trading venues temporarily exempted from open access under MiFIR
(non-binding, EU)
Consumer Trends Report 2018/19
(non-binding, EU)
EBA report on Funding Plans
(non-binding, EU)
Automation in financial advice
(non-binding, EU)
Post-trade in a CMU
(non-binding, EU)
MiFID II/MiFIR obligations on market data
(binding, EU)
Opinion on product intervention measures regarding turbos
(non-binding, EU)
ESMA MiFID II/MiFIR review report on algorithmic trading
(non-binding, EU)
Amendment of MiFIR RTS regarding DLT Pilot Regime
(non-binding, EU)
Financial Instruments Reference Data System (FIRDS)
(non-binding, EU)
Opinion on an amendment of the MiFIR framework
(non-binding, EU)
Application of the conduct of business rules under the WAG 2018
(non-binding, AT)
Exemption of MiFIR access provisions for trading venues as regards exchange-traded derivatives
(non-binding, EU)
Assessment of pre-trade transparency waivers
(non-binding, EU)
Q&A on MiFID II and MiFIR transparency topics
(binding, EU)
ESMA - Q&A: MiFIR Reporting
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Q&A on MiFID II and MiFIR market structure
(binding, EU)
Manual on post-trade transparency
(binding, EU)
review of RTS 23 on supply of reference data (MiFIR)
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Source: EU, 600/2014, 2014