Investment Code and AIFM Implementation Law (KAGB)
Official name
Act Implementing Directive 2011/61/EU on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM Implementation Act - AFIM-UmsG)
Level 1
German government
Doc. code
BGBl I Nr. 35/2013
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Associated initiatives
Level 1
AIFM tax amendment act
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Reducing risks and strengthening proportionality in the banking sector
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Financial Market Integrity Reinforcement Act (FISG)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
IFD implementing law with investment firm law (WpIG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
Implementation of the Covered Bonds Directive (CBD-Umsetzungsgesetz)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Sanctions Enforcement Act II (SanktDG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
Law on the Implementation of the Conversion Directive (UmRUG)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Future Financing Act
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Special provisions for the restructuring and liquidation of central counterparties
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Financial Market Digitization Act - FinmadiG
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Law on the implementation of sustainability reporting by companies
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Act to Strengthen the Fund Market
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Second law on implementation of EU data protection legislation
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Act to further strengthen investor protection
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Secondary Credit Market Promotion Act
(binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
Act to ensure the enforcement of the EU Regulation on European Green Bonds
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Future Financing Act II
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Level 2
Revised German Derivatives Ordinance
(binding, Main version, DE)
Regulation on notifications and the submission of documents required under the KAGB
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Regulation on electronic communication under the German Investment Code (Kapitalanlage-e Kommunikationsverordnung – KAeKV)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Audit report directive (PrüfbV)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Investment Audit Reports Ordinance - KAPrüfbV
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Minimum requirements for complaint management
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Regulation on crypto fund shares (KryptoFAV)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Capital Investment Conduct and Organisation Regulation - KAVerOV
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Level 3 / Other
Leaflet on the sale of AIF
(binding, DE)
Inclusion of information in investment prospects
(binding, DE)
Updated circular on tasks and duties of the depositary
(binding, DE)
Change of the administrative practices for granting loans, etc. for the account of the investment fund
(non-binding, DE)
Electronic submission of personal notifications of capital management companies via MVP
(binding, DE)
Explanatory leaflet on data maintenance of registered AIF management companies
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Explanatory leaflet on the reporting obligations of AIF management companies
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Explanatory leaflet on the suitability of managers in accordance with the KAGB
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Revision of circular on requirements for the appointment of external valuers for real estate and real estate companies
(binding, Supplement, DE)
FAQ Special infrastructure funds
(binding, DE)
Source: German government, BGBl I Nr. 35/2013, 2013