Future Financing Act II

Topic area:
Official name
Entwurf eines Zweiten Gesetzes zur Finanzierung von zukunftssichernden Investitionen (Zweites Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz – ZuFinG II)
Level 1
German government
Doc. code

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Current version
Draft bill
Next step
Entry into force and application
Entry into force

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Application date

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Associated initiatives
Level 1
Commercial code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB) (binding, Main version, DE)
Securities Acquisition and Takeover Act (binding, Main version, DE)
Wertpapierprospektgesetz - WpPG (binding, Main version, DE)
Stock exchange Law (BörsG) (binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
German Investment Schemes Act - VermAnlG (binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
Investment tax reform and investment tax act (InvStG) (binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
Income Tax Act (binding, Main version, DE)
Supervisory law on financial conglomerates (binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
IFD implementing law with investment firm law (WpIG) (binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
Investment Code and AIFM Implementation Law (KAGB) (binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
Covered Bond Act (PfanBG) (binding, Main version, DE)
Insurance Supervision Act - VAG (binding, Main version, DE)
Savings banks act (binding, Main version, DE)
Future Financing Act (binding, Amendment, DE)
Level 3 / Other

Source: German government, Entwurf eines Zweiten Gesetzes zur Finanzierung von zukunftssichernden Investitionen (Zweites Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz – ZuFinG II), 2024