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REGULATION (EU) No 648/2012 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories
Level 1
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Associated initiatives
Level 1
Amendment of the regulation on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and transaction registers (EMIR Refit)
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Facilitated use of financial information for competent authorities
(non-binding, Main version, EU)
Framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties (CCPRRR)
(binding, Main version, EU)
Regulation on Securities financing transactions (SFTR)
(binding, Main version, EU)
Regulation on the transfers of funds
(binding, Main version, EU)
Payment Services Supervision Act (Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz - ZAG) and implementation of PSD2
(binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
EMIR implementation law
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Revision EMIR - CCPs
(non-binding, Amendment, EU)
Procedures for penalties imposed on trade repositories
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Amending certain regulations with respect to the establishment and operation of ESAPs
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Recovery and resolution of (re)insurance undertakings (IRRD)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, EU)
Central Counterparty Enforcement Act
(binding, Main version, AT)
Amendment of EMIR, CRR and MMF (EMIR 3)
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Level 2
EU recognition of Japan's rules on OTC derivatives
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Amendment of the time-limited equivalence for CCPs after Brexit
(non-binding, EU)
Great Britain and Ireland exempted from EMIR
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Extension of the restriction on CFDs
(non-binding, EU)
Time limited equivalence of CCPs after Brexit
(non-binding, EU)
Amendments to risk mitigation techniques for OTC derivatives not cleared by CCPs under EMIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Amendments to the EMIR clearing obligation for covered bonds and securitizations
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Extension of the transitional periods for exposures to CCP
(binding, Amendment, EU)
RTS for access to data and aggregation and comparison of data via TR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Clearing Obligation under EMIR (credit)
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Third-party firms providing STS verification services under the Securitisation Regulation
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Materiality threshold for credit obligations past due
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Exclusion of third country transactions from CVA risk
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Recognition of the supervisory legislation of the USA regarding derivatives
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Amendment of the regulation on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and transaction registers
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Extension of the transitional periods related to pension scheme arrangements
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Clearing Obligation under EMIR (additional currencies)
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Equivalence of the regulatory framework of the United States of America for central counterparties
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Commercial terms for providing clearing services under EMIR (FRANDT)
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on interest rate swaps in G4 currencies under EMIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on effects of contracts within the Union under EMIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
ITS on main indices and recognised exchanges under CRR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
ITS on hypothetical capital of a central counterparty
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Wertpapierdienstleistungs-Prüfungsverordnung - WpDPV
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Audit report directive (PrüfbV)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Counterparty review certification Ordinance (GPrüfbV)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Concretizing requirements and regulations on OTC derivatives under EMIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Time-limited equivalence for CCPs in the United Kingdom
(non-binding, Supplement, EU)
Fees for securitisation repositories
(non-binding, EU)
Equivalence of regulatory framework of the USA for central counterparties to EU Regulation
(non-binding, EU)
RTS for calculation and maintenance of pre-funded dedicated own resources of CCPs
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Clearing and Derivatives Trading Obligations with regard to the Benchmark Conversion
(binding, Amendment, EU)
RTS on STS notification requirements for securitisations
(binding, Amendment, EU)
RTS on anti-cyclical measures of the CCP
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Extension of the time-limited equivalence for CCPs in the United Kingdom
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Changeover to new reference interest rates for certain OTC derivative contracts
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Amendments to the clearing obligation under EMIR - extension of the temporary exemptions regime for intragroup contracts
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Amendment to the bilateral margin requirements under EMIR - extension of the temporary exemptions regime for intragroup contracts
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Harmonized data quality requirements for trade repositories under EMIR REFIT
(binding, Supplement, EU)
ITS on STS notification requirements for securitisations
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Implementing Decision EMIR 3 Regulation and EMIR 3 Directive (Uitvoeringsbesluit EMIR 3-verordening en EMIR 3-richtlijn)
(binding, Amendment, NL)
RTS on central counterparties under EMIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on risk-mitigation techniques for OTC derivative contracts not cleared by a CCP
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Clearing obligation for small financial counterparties
(binding, Amendment, EU)
RTS on public access to trade repository data pursuant to Article 81 EMIR
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Extension of the transitional periods for exposures to CCP
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Verlängerung Übergangszeiträume Eigenmittelanforderungen für Positionen ggü. CCPs
(binding, Supplement, EU)
SFT trade repositories - Access to the data held in trade repositories
(binding, Amendment, EU)
SFT trade repository - Details of the application for registration
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Clearing solutions for Pension Scheme Arrangements (PSAs) under EMIR
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Fees to be charged to third-country CCPs
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Criteria for tiering third-country CCPs as systemically important
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Compliance of non-EU clearing houses
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Rules of procedures for penalties imposed on third-country CCPs
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Procedural rules for sanctions imposed on trade repositories
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Recognition of equivalence of OTC trades in various countries under EMIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Annual supervisory fees to trade repositories for 2021
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Equivalence of designated contract markets in the United States
(binding, Amendment, EU)
RTS for Initial Margin Model Validation (IMMV)
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Clearing and derivative trading obligations in view of the 2022 status of the benchmark transition
(binding, Amendment, EU)
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Minimum disclosures to trade repositories under EMIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Registration and renewal of registration of TRs under EMIR
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Registration as a trade repository
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Specification of the procedure and technical and operational arrangements for access to the details of derivatives
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Extension of emergency measures on CCP collateral requirements
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Extension of the EMIR exemption for stock options
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Harmonization of EMIR trade repositories fees
(binding, Amendment, EU)
Technical implementing standards for applications to register trade repositories
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Detailed specifications regarding the application to register as a trade repository
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Requirements for trade repositories with regard to the publication of data, data access by authorities and data comparison
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Jährliche Aufsichtsgebühren für Transaktionsregister
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on the Extensions of authorisation conditions and list of documents under EMIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on the validation of changes to models and parameter conditions under EMIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Level 3 / Other
Misalignment between the EMIR clearing obligation (CO) and the MiFIR derivatives trading obligation (DTO)
(non-binding, EU)
EMIR: Frequently Asked Questions
(binding, EU)
Anti-Procyclicality Margin Measures for CCPs
(binding, EU)
Guidelines on CCP conflict of interest management
(binding, EU)
EEA Agreement: Implementation of EMIR
(non-binding, EU)
Alignment of MiFIR with the changes introduced by EMIR Refit
(non-binding, EU)
Qualifying holdings in the financial sector
(binding, EU)
Retail deposits subject to different outflows in the LCR
(binding, EU)
Systematic Internalisers’ Quote rules
(binding, DE)
Marketing, distribution and sale of CFDs
(binding, DE)
Rules for CCPs’ membership criteria and due diligence
(non-binding, EU)
C6 energy derivative contracts and the EMIR requirements
(non-binding, EU)
Post-Trade Risk Reduction Services under EMIR REFIT
(non-binding, EU)
Guidelines on calculation of positions in SFTS by trade repositories
(non-binding, EU)
EMIR 2.2: Comparable Compliance
(non-binding, EU)
EMIR 2.2: Fees for Third-Country CCPs
(non-binding, EU)
EMIR 2.2: Criteria for tiering
(non-binding, EU)
EU-wide stress tests for CCPs
(non-binding, EU)
Statement on Clearing and trading obligations
(non-binding, EU)
EU Derivatives Market
(non-binding, EU)
Amendments to SFTR
(non-binding, EU)
Adjustment of the ECB statute to EMIR Central Bank tasks
(non-binding, EU)
Opinion on CCPs’ liquidity risk assessment under EMIR
(non-binding, EU)
Post-trade in a CMU
(non-binding, EU)
Calculation of counterparty risk by UCITS
(non-binding, EU)
CCP Supervisory Reviews and Evaluation Processes
(non-binding, EU)
Brexit Issues affecting EMIR and SFTR
(binding, EU)
Withdrawal of the registration of UK-based credit rating agencies and trade repositories
(non-binding, EU)
Q&A on bilateral margin requirements under EMIR
(binding, EU)
Methodology for assessing a Third Country CCP under EMIR
(non-binding, EU)
Guidelines on CCP recovery plan scenarios
(binding, EU)
Guidelines on the consistent application of the triggers for the use of Early Intervention Measures regarding CCPs
(binding, EU)
Guidelines on temporary restrictions in the case of a significant non-default event of CCPs
(binding, EU)
Assessment of LCH Ltd and ICE Clear Europe Ltd
(non-binding, EU)
Equivalence of the regulatory framework of Malaysia for CCPs
(non-binding, EU)
Amendment of the equivalence of the U.S. regulatory framework for central counterparties with EMIR
(non-binding, EU)
Equivalence of the regulatory framework of South Africa for CCPs
(non-binding, EU)
Equivalence of India's regulatory framework for central counterparties
(non-binding, EU)
Equivalence of Chile's regulatory framework for central counterparties
(non-binding, EU)
EU Recognition of Chinese OTC Derivatives Regulations
(non-binding, EU)
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Public Register for Clearing Obligation under EMIR
(binding, EU)
Guidelines on transfer of data between Trade Repositories under EMIR and SFTR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Guidelines for reporting under EMIR
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Review of fees charged to third country CCPs
(binding, Amendment, EU)
ESMA Opinion on CCP back testing requirements
(non-binding, EU)
(binding, Supplement, EU)
RTS on the conditions of the active account under EMIR 3
(binding, Supplement, EU)
Colleges for central counterparties
(non-binding, Amendment, EU)
Equivalence of counterparties in UK and Northern Ireland
(binding, EU)
FAQs on EMIR 3 Margin payments
(binding, EU)
DNB and AFM Guidance on EMIR 3
(binding, NL)
Source: EU, 648/2012, 2012