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Amendment of the Occupational Pensions Act and the Financial Market Authority Act
Amendment of the Online Identification Regulation
Amendment of the regulation for green projects 2022
Amendment of the RTS on prudent valuation
Amendment of the RTS on the homogeneity of the underlying risk positions in STS securitizations
Amendment of the size criteria for SMEs - Implementatiebesluit Richtlijn verhoging grensbedragen
Amendment of the size criteria in the German Commercial Code (HGB)
Amendment of the specification and disclosure of systemic relevance indicators
Amendment of the WiEReG-NutzungsentgelteV regarding the use through a service provider
Amendment of various Investment Fund Acts and the Reference Values Enforcement Act
Amendment on the Guideline on additional temporary measures relating to Eurosystem refinancing operations and eligibility of collateral
Amendment on the RTS on authorisation and application
Amendment to Forwarding Facility End of Tax Liability concerning Fond for Gemene Rekening (Wijziging van het Beleidsbesluit doorschuiffaciliteit einde belastingplicht FGR)
Amendment to Regulation (EU) 2023/1803 regarding IAS 21- exchangeability
Amendment to the Börsengesetz to punish cum-ex transactions
Amendment to the calculation of eligible liabilities and the transitional period for contributions to resolution funds
Amendment to the Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data
Amendment to the Directive on the implementation of representative actions
Amendment to the exemption under the Financial Supervision Act (Wijziging van de Vrijstellingsregeling Wft in verband met het vrijstellen van betaalinstellingen)
Amendment to the Federal Energy Efficiency Act (EEffG) to integrate requirements for data centers
Amendment to the FinStab 2024 reporting regulation
Amendment to the FMA cost regulation (2024)
Amendment to the General Administrative Act on interest rate adjustment clauses for premium savings contracts
Amendment to the guideline on new generation targets - 2024
Amendment to the Guideline on the Implementation of the Eurosystem's Monetary Policy Framework
Amendment to the Insurance Contract Act
Amendment to the Law on Annual Accounts of Credit Institutions and Securities Companies
Amendment to the Security of Network and Information Systems Act
Amendments on capital buffer regulation
Amendments on the capital buffer regulation 2020
Amendments to BRRD/SRMR regarding MREL (daisy-chain-approach)
Amendments to expand and simplify sustainability disclosures
Amendments to Guidelines on position calculation under EMIR
Amendments to IAS 21 - Lack of Exchangeability
Amendments to IAS 21 - Translating financial information into hyperinflationary currencies
Amendments to IAS 28 - improvements to the equity method
Amendments to IAS 32, IFRS 7 and IAS 1- Financial instruments with characteristics of equity
Amendments to IAS 37 - Requirements for the recognition and measurement of provisions in company balance sheets
Amendments to IFRS 19 - Subsidiaries without Public Accountability: Disclosures
Amendments to ITS 4
Amendments to RTS 24 on order book keeping
Amendments to the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966)
Amendments to the electronic transmission of balance sheets and income statements
Amendments to the ML/TF Risk Factors Guidelines regarding crypto-asset services
Amendments to the research provisions in the MiFID II
Amendments to the RTS on position management controls
Amendments to the Solvency II Directive
AMF Update DORA: Testing digital operational resilience
Amortering av krediter mot säkerhet i bostad (Amortization of loans secured by residential property)
Amount of the oversight fees to be charged by the Lead Overseer to critical ICT third-party service providers
AnaCredit - Annexes to Reporting Manuals
AnaCredit plausibility checks
AnaCredit plausibility checks manual
AnaCredit validation rules manual
AnaCredit: accompanying document on the outlier and plausibility checks
Ancillary risk indicators in the Global Monitoring Exercise
Announcement of the attachmentexemption level 2024
Announcement of the procedure description for the processing of the housing subsidy (WoP)
Annual Accounts Act
Annual Improvements IFRS Accounting Standards - Volume 11
Annual Tax Act 2022
Annual Tax Act 2024 (JStG 2024)
Anti-asset concealment act (Vermögensverschleierungsbekämpfungsgesetz - VVBG)
Application for DPE status for investment firms
Application notes on the Payment Accounts Act
Application of a combination of methods to the group solvency calculation
Application of Group Supervision under the Solvency II Directive
Application of §15 ff. of the Corporation Tax Act 1969 concerning fiscal unit- Verzamelbesluit fiscale eenheid
Application Paper for climate scenario analysis
Application Paper on climate risk market conduct issues
Application Paper on fair treatment for diverse consumers
Application Paper on supervising diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)
Application Paper September 2017
Aros får en varning och sanktionsavgift (Aros receives a warning and an administrative fee)
Arrangements to Support Operational Continuity in Resolution
ArtificiaI Intelligence Liability Directive
Artificial intelligence in the financial sector
Assessment and review of application of Responsibilities for authorities
Assessment of pre-trade transparency waivers
Assessment of the implementation of the UCITS EAD
Assessment of the knowledge and experience of the management or administrative body of a credit service provider
Assessment of the settlement capability (CCPRRR)
Asset recovery and confiscation
Ändring i föreskrift RGKFS 2011:2 om instituts skyldighet att lämna uppgifter om insättare och deras insättningar (Amendments to Regulation RGKFS 2011:2 regarding institutions' obligation to provide information about depositors and their deposits)
Ändring i föreskrifter och allmänna råd (FFFS 2014:8) om viss verksamhet med konsumentkrediter (Amending regulations and general guidelines (FFFS 2014:8) on certain consumer credit activities)
Ändring i lagen om bank- och finansieringsrörelse (Amendment to the Banking and Financing Business Act)
Ändring i RGKFS 2015:2 om resolution 2021 (Amendment to the Swedish National Debt Office's regulation on resolution 2021)
Ändring i RGKFS 2015:2 om resolution 2022 (Amendment to the Swedish National Debt Office's regulation on resolution 2022)
Ändring i RGKFS 2015:2 om resolution 2023 (Amendment to RGKFS 2015:2 on resolution 2023)
Ändring i RGKFS 2016:2 om insättningsgaranti 2020 (Amendment to RGKFS 2016:2 on deposit guarantee 2020)
Ändring i RGKFS 2016:2 om insättningsgaranti 2020(2) (Amendment to RGKFS 2016:2 on deposit guarantee 2020(2))
Ändring i RGKFS 2016:2 om insättningsgaranti 2021 (Amendment to RGKFS 2016:2 on deposit guarantee 2021)
Ändring i RGKFS 2016:2 om insättningsgaranti 2021(2) (Amendment to RGKFS 2016:2 on deposit guarantee 2021(2))
Ändring i RGKFS 2016:2 om insättningsgaranti 2022 (Amendment to RGKFS 2016:2 on deposit guarantee 2022)
Ändringar i Finansinspektionens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om hantering av operativa risker (Amendments to regulations and general guidelines on operational risk management)
Ändringar i Finansinspektionens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om styrning, riskhantering och kontroll i kreditinstitut (Amendments to regulations and general guidelines on governance, risk management and control in credit institutions)
Ändringar i lag om särskild tillsyn över kreditinstitut och värdepappersbolag (Amendments to the Act on Special Supervision of Credit Institutions and securities companies)
Ändringar i regelverket om bank- och finansieringsrörelse [Amendments to the regulatory framework for banking and financial activities]
Ändringar i regelverket om kapitaltäckning [Amendments to the capital adequacy framework]
Änringar i lagen om resolution (Amendments to the Resolution Act)
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