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A monitoring framework for systemic liquidity risk
Abgabenänderungsgesetz 2024 (AbgÄG 2024)
Accessibility Act (BFSG)
Accessibility Act - BaFG
Accessibility requirements according to the accessibility act (BFSGV)
Accounting Act
Accounting by rate-regulated entities
Accounting for Carbon Allowances in Financial Statements
Act amending consumer contract and insurance contract law
Act amending Minimum Tax Act 2024 (Wet aanpassing Wet minimumbelasting 2024)
Act amending the Federal Data Protection Act
Act introducing bereavement leave - Wet invoering rouwverlof
Act on abolition of pledge prohibitions (Wet opheffing verpandingsverboden)
Act on ACM's power of appeal (Wet inroepbevoegdheid ACM)
Act on Currency Exchange and other Financial Operations
Act on Information Security for Essential and Digital services
Act on the Disclosure of country-by-country income tax Information (CBCR-Veröffentlichungsgesetz, CBCR-VG)
Act on the reform of tax-incentivised private pension provision (pAV Reform Act)
Act promoting digital resilience for companies (Wet bevordering digitale weerbaarheid bedrijven)
Act to ensure the enforcement of the EU Regulation on European Green Bonds
Act to implement the CER Directive and strengthen the resilience of critical installations
Act to Strengthen the Fund Market
Action plan on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing
Activities-based approach to Systemic Risk (ABA)
Actual return box 3 law (Wet werkelijk rendement box 3)
Actuaries roles under Solvency II
Additional supervisory data quality checks
Adequate protection of personal data by the UK according to Law Enforcement Directive
Adjustment of contributions in health insurance due to lack of economic independence
Adjustment of own funds requirements and design of stress testing for issuers under MiCAR
Adjustment of social insurance and care allowance regulations 2025
Adjustment of the euro base amounts and the financial capacity of insurance intermediaries
Adoption of certain international accounting standards
Adoption of the Minimum Bail-in Data Template (MBDT)
Advertising and cost transparency for crypto service providers
Advice on derogation criteria for data reporting service providers
AFM shares recommendations on outsourcing monitoring (aanbevelingen over uitbestedingsmonitoring)
AFM Supervisory Support Reporting Act (Wet toezichtondersteunende rapportage AFM)
AFM Update DORA: management, classification and reporting of ICT-related incidents
AFM's Quality Mortgage Advice 2024
AFRAC Opinion 3: Share-based Payment (UGB)
AFRAC Opinion 40: Accounting for Hybrid Financial Instruments at the Issuer (UGB)
AFRAC Opinion 40: The Application of the Effective Interest Method in UGB Financial Statements
AFRAC-opinion 41: Subsequent measurement of derivative financial instruments (UGB)
Aggregation Method Questionnaire (AM)
AI Governance and Risk Management
AK Nordic AB får anmärkning och sanktionsavgift (AK Nordic AB receives a remark and an administrative fine)
AKO Capital LLP får en sanktionsavgift (AKO Capital LLP shall pay a special fee)
Allmänna råd om krediter i konsumentförhållanden (general advice on credit in consumer relationships)
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Act
Amal Express får en sanktionsavgift (Amal Express shall pay an administrative fine)
Amending ITS on supervisory reporting to introduce new IRRBB reporting
Amending SFDR RTS on Gas and Nuclear
Amendmends regarding certain reporting requirements in the fields of financial services and investment support
Amendment Act restricting access to UBO registers (Wijzigingswet beperking toegang UBO-registers)
Amendment decision referral portal banking data - Wijzigingsbesluit verwijzingsportaal bankgegevens
Amendment Fact Sheet on External Bail-in Implementation
Amendment Minimum Requirements for Restructuring Plans of Financial Institutions and Investment Firms
Amendment of Beneficial Owners Register Act (WiEReG)
Amendment of criteria when an activity is considered to be ancillary to the main business
Amendment of CSDR RTS on Settlement Discipline
Amendment of Disclosure and Reporting of MREL and TLAC
Amendment of dispute resolution with shareholders - Wet aanpassing geschillenregeling en verduidelijking ontvankelijkheidseisen enquêteprocedure
Amendment of EMIR, CRR and MMF (EMIR 3)
Amendment of G-SIB assessment framework to prevent window-dressing
Amendment of guidelines on arrears and foreclosure
Amendment of guidelines on risk-based AML/CFT supervision to include crypto-asset service providers
Amendment of interface for reporting on participating interests and shareholdings (BAM)
Amendment of ITS on joint decision process for internal model authorisation regarding CRR3
Amendment of Regulation (EU) 2023/1803 as regards IAS 1
Amendment of RTS 22 for reporting transaction data and order book data
Amendment of RTS on FRTB regarding CRR3
Amendment of RTS on the standardised approach for counterparty credit risk (SA-CCR) regarding CRR3
Amendment of some laws of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (Verzamelwet SZW 2024)
Amendment of the alternative consumer dispute resolution act
Amendment of the attachment floor regulation - Wijziging van de Regeling beslagvrije voet
Amendment of the Besluit EU-verordeningen Wft (Uitvoeringsbesluit verordening kapitaalvereisten 2025)
Amendment of the BIBUG, WTBG & GEWO
Amendment of the Blocking Regulation
Amendment of the Corporate Income Tax Act of 1969 - Wet aanpassing fonds voor gemene rekening en vrijgestelde beleggingsinstelling
Amendment of the Credit Union Lending Regulations
Amendment of the CSDR to shorten the settlement cycle to T+1
Amendment of the Data Model Regulation 2024
Amendment of the Due Process Handbook
Amendment of the E-Government Act
Amendment of the EU Cybersecurity Act - Strengthening cybersecurity through managed security services
Amendment of the Federal Energy Efficiency Act
Amendment of the Financial Supervision Act (Bank Data Referral Act)
Amendment of the Financial Supervision Funding Decision 2019 - Adjustments 2025
Amendment of the Fiscal Code (AEAO) Application Decree – Electronic Data Transmission
Amendment of the FMA Fees Regulation 2024
Amendment of the FMA incoming platform regulation 2024
Amendment of the Funeral Expenses Regulation 2016
Amendment of the General Social Security Act, the Industrial Social Security Act, etc.
Amendment of the Guidelines on Additional Temporary Measures Concerning Eurosystem Refinancing Operations and the Eligibility of Collateral
Amendment of the harmonised standard for websites and mobile applications
Amendment of the Insurance Tax Act 1953
Amendment of the ITS with regard to the lists of regional governments and local authorities
Amendment of the Joint Guidelines on the Prevention of Misuse of Funds Transfers for ML/TF Purposes
Ägar- och ledningsprövningar (Ownership and management audits)
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