FMA cost regulation 2016 - FMA - KVO 2016
Official name
419 Regulation of the FMA regarding the costs of the financial supervisory authority
Level 2
Doc. code
BGBl. II Nr. 419/2015
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Final version
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Associated initiatives
Level 1
Austrian Banking Act (BWG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Central securities depositories (CSD) enforcement act (ZvVG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
BRRD implementation act (BaSAG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Deposit Protection and Investor Compensation for credit institutions
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Insurance Supervision Act - VAG
(binding, Main version, DE)
Pension Fund Act (Pensionskassengesetz – PKG)
(binding, Main version, AT)
Level 2
Amendment of the FMA Cost Regulation - Clarification about institutions that are fee-based and with obligation to report
(binding, AT)
Amendment to the FMA Cost Regulation 2016
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the FMA Cost Regulation 2016
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the FMA Cost Regulation (2022)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the FMA cost regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the FMA cost regulation (2024)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the FMA Cost Regulation to adapt to the FM-GwG Amendment Act
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Level 3 / Other
Source: FMA, BGBl. II Nr. 419/2015, 2015