Commercial code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB)
Official name
Level 1
German government
Doc. code
RGBl. S. 219
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Final version
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Entry into force and application
Entry into force
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Associated initiatives
Level 1
National implementation of disclosure of income tax information by certain undertakings and branches
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Law on the Implementation of the Conversion Directive (UmRUG)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Financial Market Digitization Act - FinmadiG
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Fourth Bureaucracy Relief Act
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Law on the adjustment of the Global Minimum Tax Act (MinStGAnpG)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
CSR Guideline Implementation Act
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Act to ensure global minimum taxation (Mindeststeuergesetz - MinStG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, DE)
Amendment of the size criteria in the German Commercial Code (HGB)
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Law on the implementation of sustainability reporting by companies
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Future Financing Act II
(binding, Amendment, DE)
Level 2
Accounting of credit institutions and financial services institutions
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Business Register Regulation (Unternehmensregisterverordnung - URV)
(binding, Supplement, DE)
Level 3 / Other
Source: German government, RGBl. S. 219, 1980