Austrian Banking Act (BWG)
Official name
532. Bundesgesetz über das Bankwesen (Bankwesengesetz — BWG), über Kapitalanlagefonds (Investmentfondsgesetz — InvFG 1993), über Bausparkassen (Bausparkassengesetz — BSpG), über die Aufhebung des Kreditwesengesetzes, der Artikel II und III des Bundesgesetzes BGBl. Nr. 325/1986, des Bankagentengesetzes, des Geldinstitutezentralegesetzes, des Bundesgesetzes über die Geschäftsaufsicht, des Rekonstruktionsgesetzes, des Bundesgesetzes betreffend den Verkauf von Aktien verstaatlichter Banken, von Teilen des Bundesgesetzes über die Neuordnung des Kindschaftsrechts, des Bundesgesetzes über Kapitalanlagefonds (Investmentfondsgesetz), des Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetzes 1931, der Einführungsverordnung zum Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz 1931 und über die Änderung des Bundes-Verfassungsgesetzes in der Fassung von 1929, des Sparkassengesetzes, des Hypothekenbankgesetzes, des Pfandbriefgesetzes, der Einführungsverordnung zum Hypothekenbank- und zum Pfandbriefgesetz, des Beteiligungsfondsgesetzes, des Postsparkassengesetzes 1969, des Kapitalmarktgesetzes, des Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetzes 1978, des Prämiensparförderungsgesetzes, des Körperschaftsteuergesetzes 1988, des Bewertungsgesetzes, der Gewerbeordnung 1973 und des Rechnungslegungsgesetzes (Finanzmarktanpassungsgesetz 1993)
Level 1
Austrian government
Doc. code
BGBl. Nr. 532/1993
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Final version
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Entry into force and application
Entry into force
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Associated initiatives
Level 1
Anti-Gold-Plating-Law 2019
(binding, Amendment, AT)
STS-securitisation-execution law
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Cooperatives Spin-off Act
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Implementation of guidelines on the assessment of suitability of the management body
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Payment Services Act 2018
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
$25 BWG Outsourcing
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Reform of the financial market supervision
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Implementation of the 4th Money Laundering Directive (Wirtschaftliche Eigentümer Registergesetz – WiEReG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
MiFID II implementation (Börsegesetz 2018 und Wertpapieraufsichtsgesetz 2018)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the act on Recovery and Resolution, Banking Act and others
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Deposit Protection and Investor Compensation for credit institutions
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Banking package (KontRegG, Capital Flight Reporting Act, GMSG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Central securities depositories (CSD) enforcement act (ZvVG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
BRRD implementation act (BaSAG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Adoption of 5th anti-money laundering directive
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Covered bond act (PfandBG) and implementation of EU directive on covered bonds
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of AIFMG, BörseG, WaG, ZaDiG, et. al. - a.o. implementation of sustainable finance and ESA review
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Securities Companies Act (WPFG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
EU Reorganisation Act - EU-UmgrG
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Reporting of payment data by payment service providers (CESOP Implementation Act 2023)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
MiCA Regulation - Enforcement Act
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Credit Service Provider and Credit Purchaser Act (KKG)
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Amending the Banking Act (BWG) on Electronic Signatures
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
Financial markets money laundering law
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
2nd Data Protection Adaptation Act
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Reform of the regulatory supervision of the financial market
(binding, Amendment, AT)
DORA Enforcement Act
(binding, Main version, Amendment, AT)
FATF Audit Adaptation Act 2024
(binding, Amendment, Main version, AT)
Level 2
Amendment Master Date Reporting Regulation 2021 (StDMV 2021)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
FMA minimum standards for lending and other transactions with counterparty credit risks
(binding, Supplement, AT)
2022 Amendments to the Regulation on the Statement of Assets, Earnings and Risks (VERA-V)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
FMA Minimum Standards on Risk Management and the Granting of Foreign Currency Loans
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Minimum standards for the creation of an emergency plan
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment to the regulation on the annex to the examination report (AzP new)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Credit institutions and risk management regulations (KI-RMV)
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Attachment to the audit report (AP-VO): Liquidity and deposit protection
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Adjustment of the Regulation on the Reporting of Master Data
(binding, Amendment, AT)
FMA cost regulation 2016 - FMA - KVO 2016
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Categories of employees and evidence of their knowledge
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment ot the regulation on Money laundering and terrorist financing risk 2016
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of regulation for annual and consolidated financial statements
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendement of the FMA-Incoming platform regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Regulation amending the Statement of Assets, P&L and Risks (VERA-V)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the FMA Cost Regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the Owner Control Regulation 2016
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of VERA-V for the introduction of risk assesment Annex G1
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Owner Control Regulation 2016 - EKV 2016
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Adjustment of the FMA-Incoming-Platform Regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the Annual Accounts and Consolidated Financial Statements Regulation (JKAB-V)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of the Regulation on Asset, Profit and Risk Disclosure (VERA-V)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Granular credit data collection
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Repeal of the Central Credit Register Exchange Regulation
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment of the Ownership Control Regulation 2016
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Master Data Reporting Regulation 2016
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment of the Regulation on Asset, Profit and Risk Disclosure (VERA-V) regarding real estate financing
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of the FMA Cost Regulation - Clarification about institutions that are fee-based and with obligation to report
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendements on the FMA Regulation on costs - Payment Services Act 2018
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Minimum standards for internal audit
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment of the Granular Credit Data Collection Regulation 2018
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment of the master data reporting regulation 2016
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Amendment to the FMA Cost Regulation 2016
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Capital buffer directive 2021 (KP-V 2021)
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Special credit institutions reporting regulation (SK-MV)
(binding, Amendment, Supplement, AT)
Amendment to the Granular Credit Data Collection Regulation 2018 (2021)
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Regulation on the statement of assets, income and risks - Vera-V
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Minimum standards for BWG compliance (FMA-MS-BWG-Compliance)
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment of the FMA Incoming Platform Regulation 2022
(binding, Amendment, AT)
FMA Minimum Standards for Special Credit Institutions and AIFMs for Performing Due Diligence
(binding, Supplement, AT)
2023 amendment of the Capital Buffer Regulation - KP-V 2021
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Preparation of a contingency plan for a possible change of custodian bank or depositary
(binding, Amendment, Supplement, AT)
KIM-V Amendment
(binding, Amendment, AT)
FMA minimum standards for ICAAP
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Regulation amending the Credit Institutions Risk Management Regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
2nd amendment of the FMA incoming platform regulation 2024
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Capital Buffer Regulation 2025 (Kapitalpuffer-Verordnung 2025 – KP-V 2025)
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Regulation on the appendix to the audit report
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Master Data Reporting Ordinance
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment to the FMA Cost Regulation to adapt to the FM-GwG Amendment Act
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Owner Control Regulation 2016 - EKV 2016
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Annual and Consolidated Financial Statements Regulation - JKAB-V
(binding, Supplement, AT)
Amendment of the Vera Regulation due to the expiry of the KIM Regulation
(binding, Amendment, AT)
Level 3 / Other
Fit & Proper Circular 2022
(binding, AT)
FMA circular on the reporting obligation of bank auditors
(non-binding, AT)
Source: Austrian government, BGBl. Nr. 532/1993, 1993