Technische Empfehlungen zur Offenlegung von Insider-Informationen und Handelsplätzen im Rahmen des CMOB

Offizieller Name
Consultation Paper Draft technical advice concerning MAR and MiFID II SME GM
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/... of XXX supplementing Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing a non-exhaustive list of final events or final circumstances to be disclosed in a protracted process and of the relevant moment for disclosure, and of situations in which the inside information whose disclosure is intended to be delayed is in contrast with the latest public announcement or other type of communication by the issuer or emission allowance market participant
Delegierte Verordnung
Level 2
Dok. -Kürzel

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Verbundene Initiativen
Level 1
MAR (Regelungsbestand, Stammversion, EU)
MiFID II (Regelungsbestand, Stammversion, EU)
Level 2
Organisatorische Anforderungen an Wertpapierfirmen (Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, EU)
Level 3 / Sonstige

Quelle: ESMA, Consultation Paper Draft technical advice concerning MAR and MiFID II SME GM
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) …/... of XXX supplementing Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing a non-exhaustive list of final events or final circumstances to be disclosed in a protracted process and of the relevant moment for disclosure, and of situations in which the inside information whose disclosure is intended to be delayed is in contrast with the latest public announcement or other type of communication by the issuer or emission allowance market participant
, 2024