RTS zu den Kriterien, die bei der Registrierung in Bezug auf die Geschäftsleitung und die Mitglieder des Leitungsorgans sowie auf Analysten, Mitarbeiter und andere Personen, die direkt an den Bewertungstätigkeiten von EuGB beteiligt sind, zu bewerten sind
Offizieller Name
RTS on criteria relating to the good repute, skill, professional qualifications and experience of the senior management and the members of the board of an external reviewer, as well as the number of analysts, employees and other persons directly involved in its assessment activities and their level of knowledge, experience and training;
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2025/… of XXX supplementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2631 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the criteria relating to the good repute, skill, professional qualifications and experience of the senior management and the members of the board of an external reviewer, as well as the number of analysts, employees and other persons directly involved in its assessment activities and their level of knowledge, experience and training.
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2025/… of XXX supplementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2631 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the criteria relating to the good repute, skill, professional qualifications and experience of the senior management and the members of the board of an external reviewer, as well as the number of analysts, employees and other persons directly involved in its assessment activities and their level of knowledge, experience and training.
Delegierte Verordnung
Level 2
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Verbundene Initiativen
Level 1
EU-Standard für grüne Anleihen (EU Green Bond Standard - EUGBS)
(Regelungsbestand, Stammversion, EU)
Level 2
Level 3 / Sonstige
Quelle: ESMA, ESMA84-858037815-195, 2025