Financial Supervision Act - Wet op het financieel toezicht (Wft)
Offizieller Name
Wet van 28 september 2006, houdende regels met betrekking tot de financiële markten en het toezicht daarop (Wet op het financieel toezicht)
Level 1
Staat (NL)
Dok. -Kürzel
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Verbundene Initiativen
Level 1
Implementation Act on the Investment Firms Recovery Package
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
DORA-Implementation Act (Implementatiewet digitale operationele weerbaarheid)
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Financial Markets Amendment Act 2022-II
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Law on the Credit Registration System - Wet stelsel kredietregistratie
(Regelungsbestand, Stammversion, Änderungsversion, NL)
Financial Markets Amendment Act 2022
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Sustainability Reporting Directive Implementation Act
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
International Sanctions Act - Wet internationale sanctiemaatregelen
(Regelungsbestand, Stammversion, Änderungsversion, NL)
BRRD Implementation Act (Wet nadere uitvoering BRRD-implementatie)
(Regelungsbestand, Stammversion, Änderungsversion, NL)
Capital Requirements Implementation Act 2020
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Act on the Implementation of the Directive to Facilitate the Cross-Border Distribution of Investment Funds
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Implementation Act for the Covered Bonds Directive
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Dutch Basic Payments Account Availability Act
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Prudential Supervision Directive Implementation Act investment firms
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Bill on allocation of powers and interest rate verification
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Implementing Bill on Accessibility Requirements for Products and Services
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
DNB Enforcement Policy for Timely Filing of regulatory Reports
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Financial Market Amendment Act 2024
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Supplementary remuneration measures for financial institutions
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Implementation act on credit servicers and credit buyers directive
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Implementation Act cryptoassets regulation (Uitvoeringswet verordening cryptoactiva)
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Cash Payments Act - Wet chartaal betalingsverkeer
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
AFM Supervisory Support Reporting Act (Wet toezichtondersteunende rapportage AFM)
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
European Green Bond Regulation Implementation Act (Uitvoeringswet verordening Europese groene obligaties)
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Level 2
Market abuse decree Wft
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Exemption scheme under the Financial Supervision Act (Vrijstellingsregeling Wft)
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Amendment to the exempt investment institution decree (Wijziging van het besluit inzake de vrijgestelde beleggingsinstelling)
(Regelungsbestand, NL)
Amendment of the maximum interchange fee for domestic debit card transactions
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Decision on the implementation of CRR2 and CRD V
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Decision on restrictions on turbos
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
General DNB Fines Policy
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Implementation of CRD V in relation to the performance of tasks, exchange of information and cooperation between supervisory authorities
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Implementation Act on loss absorption and recapitalization capacity of banks and investment firms (BRRD2)
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Capital Requirements Implementation Decision 2020
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Elimination of the knowledge and experience test for energy saving measures
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Decision to implement various EU regulations on cross-border distribution and sustainability
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Implementing decision on the prudential supervision of investment firms
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Regulation for a sound remuneration policy Rbb 2021
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Implementation and execution of the crowdfunding concept
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Amendment of the Financial Supervision Act
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Decree on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Enterprises
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Prudential Rules Wft Decree - Besluit prudentiële regels Wft
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Financial Sector Administrative Fines Decree
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, Änderungsversion, NL)
Decision recognising 4.5% systemic risk buffer Norway 2023
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Financial Markets Amendment Decree 2024 (Wijzigingsbesluit financiële markten 2024)
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Special regulatory measures, investor compensation and deposit protection Wft - Besluit bijzondere prudentiële maatregelen, beleggerscompensatie en depositogarantie Wft
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Amendment to the exemption under the Financial Supervision Act (Wijziging van de Vrijstellingsregeling Wft in verband met het vrijstellen van betaalinstellingen)
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Financial Markets Amendment Regulations 2025
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Financial Markets Amendment Decree 2024 (Wijzigingsbesluit financiële markten 2024)
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Decree on the Supervision of Financial Groups under the Financial Supervision Act
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Decree on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Undertakings under the Financial Supervision Act
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Financial Markets Amendment Decree 2026 (Wijzigingsbesluit financiële markten 2026)
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Regulation of states of financial enterprises Wft 2011
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Level 3 / Sonstige
Mandatory audit for payment institutions and electronic money institutions
(nicht bindend, NL)
Financial Markets Amendment Act 2026 (Wijzigingswet financiële markten 2026)
(Regelungsbestand, Änderungsversion, NL)
Judgement on the applicable maximum credit fee rate - Oordeel over het toepasselijke maximumtarief van de kredietvergoeding
(Regelungsbestand, NL)
Revised basic rules for the provision of information on financial (Beleidsregel Informatieverstrekking)
(Regelungsbestand, Ergänzungsversion, NL)
Quelle: Staat (NL), STB-2006-475, 2006